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Past events
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Seminar on Governance & Cultural Exchange Forum2024TBC
Forums/Conferences BRICS Startup Forum2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Youth School of International Climate and Ecology Negotiations2024Sirius Federal Territory
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Youth Scientific Schools ‘Climate and Environmental Research Methods and Technologies’2024Sirius Federal Territory
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Panel Sessions To Present National Climate Research Projects2024Sirius Federal Territory
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meetings of the BRICS Contact Group on Sustainable Development and Climate for the 1st BRICS Climate Congress2024Sirius Federal Territory
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Cooperation in the Payment Industry2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Editorial Groups on Transition Finance2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Expert Group on the Macroeconomic Information Exchange System2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Pool Technical Group2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Roundtables and Seminars with Representatives of BRICS NPOs2024Online
Forums/Conferences Teleconference ‘Bridge of Friendship’ between Representatives of BRICS Youth2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 3rd Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Geospatial Technologies and its Application2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meetings of the BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Working Group2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 7th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Partnership2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS New Industrial Revolution Exhibition 2024Q4 2024China
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Industrial Innovation Contest 2024Q4 2024China
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center (BPIC) Personnel Training ProgramsQ4 2024China
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Forum on Partnership on New Industrial Revolution 2024Q4 2024China
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Council of Expert CentresDecember 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 8th Meeting of the Working Group as part of the Agreement between BRICS Space Agencies on Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation CooperationDecember 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminars on Institutional Development Issues9-13 December, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms “AI Journey” International ConferenceNovember 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar on Information Technologies and Digital TransformationNovember 2024Online
Forums/Conferences BRICS Conference on Technological Foresight and STI policyNovember 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar of BRICS Space AgenciesNovember 2024St. Petersburg
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meeting on the Affairs of Authorized Economic Operators27 November, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Space Industry Conference26 November, 2024Online
Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Meeting Final Meeting of BRICS+ Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas26-29 November, 2024Yekaterinburg
Forums/Conferences 9th BRICS Young Scientists Forum25-29 November, 2024Sirius
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meeting on the Digitalization and Intellectualization of Customs Infrastructure25 November, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Competition Issues on Digital Markets22 November, 2024Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS International Municipal Forum Economic Congress21-22 November, 2024St. Petersburg
Forums/Conferences Research Conference ‘The Future of Diplomacy and Diplomatic Services’15 November, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Meeting of BRICS Nuclear Medicine Working GroupOctober-November 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Special Meeting of BRICS Central Banks on Financial Technology CooperationOctober-November 2024TBD
Forums/Conferences BRICS Innovation ForumSeptember-October 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 6th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on PhotonicsOctober 2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Internship for BRICS Intellectual Property ExpertsOctober 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar ‘Digitalization of the BRICS SME Sector’October 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Council on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of TerrorismOctober 2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Informal Meeting of the Heads of Legal Departments of BRICS Ministries of Foreign AffairsOctober 2024New York, USA (on the sidelines of the meeting of the UN General Assembly Sixth Committee)
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the Heads of BRICS Interbank Cooperation BanksOctober 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences Financial Forum of the BRICS Interbank Cooperation MechanismOctober 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Medical Association LeadersAugust-October 2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meetings of the BRICS Pool Governing Bodies (Board of Governors and Standing Committee)October 2024TBD
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the Heads of National Statistical Agencies28-29 October, 2024Kazan
Встреча лидеров государств 16th BRICS Summit22–24 October, 2024Kazan
Forums/Conferences BRICS Best Women’s Startup Competition21 October, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st BRICS Climate Congress20-21 October, 2024Sirius Federal Territory
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meetings of BRICS Business Council Working Groups17-18 October, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS University Presidents Conference17-18 October, 2024Moscow
Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Meeting 4rd meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas17-24 October, 2024Kazan
Forums/Conferences BRICS Business Forum17-18 October, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Business Council17-18 October, 2024Moscow
15-20 October, 2024St. Petersburg
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 3d Workshop on Law Enforcement Cooperation14 October, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 2nd Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors10-11 October, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 14th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Health10-11 October, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 4th Meeting of BRICS Deputy Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors10-11 October, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 16th Meeting of the Heads of BRICS Intellectual Property Agencies8-9 October, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences Think Tank Network for Finance Conference9 October, 2024Moscow/videoconference
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Senior Health Officials8-9 October, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Seminar on Mutual Recognition of Academic Qualifications amongst BRICS Member States4 October, 2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS International School1-3 October, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Expert Meeting on the First Issue of the BRICS Magazine of HealthAugust-October 2024TBD
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Roundtable ‘Protection of Consumer Rights in BRICS Countries’September 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS Fashion ForumSeptember 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Roundtable “BRICS Quality of Life: Approaches To Assessing the Achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals at the Municipal Level’September 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Annual Competition of Best BRICS Sustainable Development PracticesSeptember 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS+ Youth Energy Summit28 September, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 10th BRICS Communications Ministers Meeting27 September, 2024Innopolis, Republic of Tatarstan
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 12th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministerial Meeting27 September, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Energy Research Platform27 September, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the Heads of BRICS National Standardization Bodies27 September, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Stand-alone BRICS Foreign Affairs/International Relations Ministers Meeting26 September, 2024New York, USA (on the margins of the UNGA 79th session)
Forums/Conferences Digital BRICS Forum26-27 September, 2024Innopolis, Republic of Tatarstan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 14th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Senior Officials Meeting26-27 September, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Energy26 September, 2024Moscow
Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Meeting Meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas24-25 September, 2024New York, USA (on the margins of the UNGA 79th session)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on ICT Cooperation24-25 September, 2024Innopolis, Republic of Tatarstan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Tax Administration Experts24-25 September, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the Heads of BRICS Tax Administrations24-26 September, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Committee of Senior Energy Officials24–25 September, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the Council of BRICS Institute of Future Networks23 September, 2024Innopolis, Republic of Tatarstan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 8th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on ICT and High Performance Computing Systems20-21 September, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers for Women’s Affairs20 September, 2024St. Petersburg
Forums/Conferences 9th BRICS Legal Forum19-20 September, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS Women’s Forum18-20 September, 2024St. Petersburg
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Justice18 September, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting on the Functioning of the BRICS Vaccine Centre17 September, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Special BRICS Session as Part of the World Technology Congress17-19 September, 2024Moscow Region (Patriot Congress Centre)
Forums/Conferences BRICS Media Summit13-17 September, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 10th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Astronomy12-13 September, 2024Kazan
Forums/Conferences BRICS Cultural Festival12 September, 2024Saint Petersburg
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Public Health Experts12 September, 2024Online
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Culture11 September, 2024Saint Petersburg
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Senior Cultural Affairs Officials10 September, 2024Saint Petersburg
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors10-12 September, 2024St. Petersburg
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Competition Issues on Pharmaceutical Markets9 September, 2024China
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Labour and Employment9–10 September, 2024Sochi
Forums/Conferences 13th BRICS Trade Union Forum7–8 September, 2024Sochi
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Employment Working Group7–8 September, 2024Sochi
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Council of Expert Centres3-4 September, 2024Vladivostok, Russia (on the margins of the IX Eastern Economic Forum)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on the Study Food Market Competition Problems3 September, 2024Johannesburg, South Africa (on the sidelines of the Competition Law, Economics, and Policy Conference)
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Heads of Customs Administrations3 September, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS Forum of Creative Innovations3 September, 2024Vladivostok, Russia (on the margins of the IX Eastern Economic Forum)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Task Force on Public-Private Partnerships and InfrastructureAugustOnline
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Business Incubator International Acceleration ProgrammeAugust 2024TBD
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers responsible for climate issues30 August, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS Climate Agenda in Modern Conditions Forum29-30 August, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Festival “Congress of Dixielands and Ethno-jazz Ensembles from BRICS Countries28-30 August, 2024Kazan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Consultations with the Heads of Foreign Policy Planning Departments of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs28-29 August, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS+ Forum of Young Diplomats27-31 August, 2024Ufa
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 6th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Materials Science and Nanotechnology27-30 August, 2024Yekaterinburg
Forums/Conferences BRICS+ International Municipal Forum27-28 August, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 3rd Meeting of the BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group26–27 August, 2024Vienna, Austria (on the sidelines of the meeting of the working bodies of the Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption)
Forums/Conferences IV BRICS Youth Camp21-25 August, 2024Ulyanovsk
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 7th Meeting of the Working Group as part of the Agreement between BRICS Space Agencies on Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation Cooperation19 August, 2024Online
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Industry15-16 August, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Partnership on the New Industrial Digital Revolution Advisory Group14-15 August, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Model as Part of the ‘Young Diplomat’s School in Artek’ Supplementary General Development ProgrammeJuly-August 2024Artek International Children’s Centre
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar ‘Development of Cooperative Ties among BRICS SMEs, Including with Digital Platforms’July 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Customs ExpertsJuly 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the Heads of BRICS Supreme Audit Institutions30-31 July, 2024Ufa
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms High-Level Roundtable ‘The Place of BRICS in the New Architecture of the International Economic System’26 July, 2024Moscow/videoconference
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Economy and Foreign Trade26 July, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of Youth Affairs Ministers25 July, 2024Ulyanovsk
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meeting on the Affairs of Authorized Economic Operators24-26 July, 2024Moscow
24 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meetings on the Digitalization and Intellectualization of Customs Infrastructure24-26 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 3rd Meeting of BRICS Deputy Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors24 July, 2024Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (on the sidelines of the specialized G20 meeting)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 36th Meeting of the BRICS Contact Group on Trade and Economic Issues24–25 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminars on Law Enforcement Cooperation24-26 July, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 3nd Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors23 July, 2024Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Forums/Conferences BRICS Youth Summit22-26 July, 2024Ulyanovsk
22–24 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Plenary Meeting of the BRICS Counter-Terrorism Working Group22–24 July, 2024Moscow
18-19 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms International Conference ‘Bio-Threats and Pathogens. BRICS Response’18-19 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Partnership on the New Industrial Digital Revolution Advisory Group16 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Roundtable on Prospects for BRICS Cooperation in the Study, Development, and Sustainable Use of Mineral Resources15–17 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Consultations among the Heads of Information Departments of BRICS Ministries of Foreign Affairs12 July, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS X Parliamentary Forum11–12 July, 2024St. Petersburg
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Informal Meeting of the Heads of BRICS Intellectual Property Agencies10 July, 2024Geneva, Switzerland (on the sidelines of the 65th session of the WIPO Assembly)
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of the Heads of BRICS Emergency Agencies10-11 July, 2024Kazan
10-11 July, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences Forum of BRICS Sister Cities and Municipalities9-10 July, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Coordination Group on Intellectual Property9-10 July, 2024Geneva, Switzerland (on the sidelines of the 65th session of the WIPO Assembly)
8-11 July, 2024Yekaterinburg
Forums/Conferences BRICS Civil Forum3-4 July, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 3rd Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on New and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency2-3 July, 2024Kemerovo
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Antimonopoly Policy Coordination Committee2 July, 2024Geneva, Switzerland
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Committee of Senior Energy Officials2-4 July, 2024Kemerovo Region
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 6th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Research Infrastructure and Mega-Science Projects1-3 July, 2024Moscow/Dubna
Forums/Conferences Annual Meeting of the Universities of the BRICS Network UniversityH1 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Experience Sharing Seminar ‘Audit of Sustainable Urban Development: Sustainable Cities and Districts and Green Cities’Q2 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar ‘Audit of Major Infrastructure Projects and Maintenance (Including Such Aspects as Procurement, Project, and Maintenance Management)’Q2 2024Online
Meeting of ministers/agency directors BRICS Environment Ministers Meeting28 June, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture28 June, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Roundtable on Developing BRICS Human Resources for the Energy Transition27-28 June, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Senior Officials Meeting on Environment27 June, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Agriculture Cooperation Working Group27-28 June, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Development27-28 June, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Working Group on Environment Meeting26-28 June, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Seminar on Population Matters25 June, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 5th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Biotechnology, Bio-Medicine and Human Health and Neuroscience24-25 June, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors BRICS Sports Ministers Meeting22–23 June, 2024Kazan
21-22 June, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Tourism20-21 June, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS Tourism Forum20-21 June, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Climate Contact Group20-21 June, 2024Online
Forums/Conferences International BRICS Forum on Nuclear Medicine20–21 June, 2024St. Petersburg
Forums/Conferences BRICS Chief Justices Forum19 June, 2024Sochi
Forums/Conferences 15th International IT Forum with BRICS and SCO Participation18–20 June, 2024Khanty-Mansiysk
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 6th Meeting of Heads of BRICS Prosecution Services18-19 June, 2024St. Petersburg
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meetings on the Affairs of Authorized Economic Operators1 June, 2024videoconference
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 6th Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Ocean and Polar Science and Technology13-15 June, 2024Murmansk
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Council on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism13 June, 2024TBD
Forums/Conferences BRICS Sports Games13–23 June, 2024Kazan
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 11th Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Education11 June, 2024Kazan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Senior Education Officials10 June, 2024Kazan
Meeting of ministers/agency directors BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations Meeting10–11 June, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Conference ‘BRICS Enlargement. New Opportunities for Business Cooperation on the Side Lines of SPIEF 2024’6 June, 2024Saint-Petersburg (on the margins of the SPIEF-2024)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Round table on the Development of Cooperation among BRICS Countries in Diamond Iindustry6 June, 2024Saint-Petersburg (on the margins of the SPIEF-2024)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS+ Roundtable on the North-South International Transport Corridor6 June, 2024St. Petersburg (On the sidelines of SPIEF 2024)
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Transport6 June, 2024St. Petersburg (On the sidelines of SPIEF 2024)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Experience Sharing Seminar ‘Audit of Cybersecurity and Data Protection Issues’6 June, 2024Online
Forums/Conferences BRICS Fair of National Brands and Creative Industries Forum6-8 June, 2024St. Petersburg (on the sidelines of SPIEF 2024)
Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Meeting 3nd Meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas6-9 June, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group6–7 June, 2024Vienna, Austria
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Regulatory Authorities on the Sidelines of SPIEF 2024 and the Healthy Life Forum5 June, 2024St. Petersburg (On the sidelines of SPIEF 2024)
Forums/Conferences BRICS Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum2-4 June, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Theater Schools Festival1-8 June, 2024Moscow
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 3rd Meeting of the Joint Committee on Space Cooperation with the Heads of Space AgenciesMay 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Expert Meeting on Health and Disability Issues as Part of the Annual BRICS Population SeminarMay 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar ‘Exchanging Measurement Data from Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging Systems, High Precision Multi-Frequency Receivers of Global Navigation Satellite System Signals, Very-Long-Baseline Radio Interferometers of BRICS Countries, and Data from National Data Processing and Analysis Centres’30 May, 2024videoconference
30–31 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 35th Meeting of the BRICS Contact Group on Trade and Economic Issues30–31 May, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS-TCA Online Seminar on Cooperation in the Field of Vocational Education and Training29 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Fire Drills29 May – 1 June, 2024Moscow/Moscow Region
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of Heads of BRICS Academies of Science29-30 May 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Task Force on Public-Private Partnerships and Infrastructure28 May, 2024Online
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 14th Meeting of BRICS Health Ministers on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly28 May, 2024Geneva, Switzerland
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 2nd Meeting of BRICS Deputy Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors28 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Heads of Space Agencies Meeting23-24 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the Council of BRICS Expert Centres22-24 May, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS Academic Forum22-24 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group21–22 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the International Governing Board of the BRICS Network University16 May, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Partnership Advisory Group on the New Industrial Digital Revolution14 May, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meeting on the Affairs of Authorized Economic Operators13 May, 2024videoconference
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Roundtable "Supplementary education in temporary children's groups - the territory of mentoring"2 May, 2024Online
Forums/Conferences BRICS Session as Part of Rospatent’s ‘IP Era’ International Conference26 April, 2024Online/Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Working Meeting on the Digitalization and Intellectualization of Customs Infrastructure26 April, 2024videoconference
24 April, 2024Nizhny Novgorod
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Consultations among BRICS Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs/Special Representatives on the Situation in the Middle East and North Africa24-25 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Seminar on Law Enforcement Cooperation24 April, 2024videoconference
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of Experts of the BRICS Tuberculosis Research Network23-25 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of Working Groups of the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism23-24 April, 2024Moscow
Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Meeting 2nd Meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas22-23 April, 2024Moscow
Forums/Conferences BRICS International Film Festival19-23 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of BRICS Senior Health Officials18–19 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of the BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group17–18 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on ICT Security Issues16-17 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of Experts on the Preparation of a Joint Statistical Publication16-17 April, 2024Moscow/Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Agriculture16-17 April, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations16–17 April, 2024Arkhangelsk
Forums/Conferences ‘InterYES!’ International Youth Forum on Public Diplomacy16 April, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of the BRICS Tourism Working Group12 April, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the Chairs of the Committees on International Affairs of BRICS Parliaments11–12 April, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS working group on digital markets11 April, 2024Kazan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of the BRICS Employment Working Group10–11 April, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Network of Labour Research Institutes9 April, 2024Moscow/Kazan
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 6th Meeting of the Working Group as part of the Agreement between BRICS Space Agencies on Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation Cooperation9 April, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Senior Transport Officials3 April, 2024Videoconference
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of the BRICS Climate Contact Group2 April, 2024Videoconference
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS Universe International Photo ExhibitionFebruary-October 2024BRICS cities
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of Experts on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Early Warning System for the Risks of Mass Infectious Diseases in BRICS Countries27 March, 2024Moscow
23–26 March 2024Khanty-Mansiysk
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Task Force on Public-Private Partnerships and Infrastructure14 March, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Council of Expert Centres7 March, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Expert Consultations on the Draft BRICS Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes6 March, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 34th Meeting of the BRICS Contact Group on Trade and Economic Issues4–5 March, 2024Online
29 February – 8 March, 2024Krasnodar Territory
Meeting of ministers/agency directors Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors27 February, 2024Sao Paulo, Brazil (on the sidelines of the G20 ministerial meeting)
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms BRICS ‘Financing Sustainable Development’ Public Seminar27 February, 2024Sao Paulo, Brazil
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 5th Meeting of the Working Group as part of the Agreement between BRICS Space Agencies on Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation Cooperation27 February, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of the BRICS Committee of Senior Energy Officials26–27 February, 2024Moscow
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms 1st Meeting of Participants in the BRICS Information Security Channel16 February, 2024Online/Yekaterinburg
Forums/Conferences 3rd ‘BRICS To You’ International Youth Volunteer Conference15 February, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Training of On-Duty Services of BRICS Crisis Management Centres on the Exchange of Up-To-Date Information in the Event of Emergencies15 February, 2024Online
Forums/Conferences 1st Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Nuclear Medicine13 February, 2024Moscow/online
Meeting of ministers/agency directors 1st Meeting of BRICS Deputy Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors7 February, 2024Online
Meetings of working groups/mechanisms Meeting of BRICS Council on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism7 February, 2024Online
Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Meeting 1st meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas30 January – 1 February, 2024Moscow